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Wednesday, 27 July 2011

How to add a PAYPAL DONATE button to your blogger(blogsot) blog

This post explains how to add a Paypal donate button to your blogger(blogspot) blog:-

Adding a Paypal donation button to your blog will give your loyal readers a chance to support(encourage) you by donating a few bucks.
If you don't have a paypal account yet,.. you can get a Free Paypal account here.

so,let's see how to put a Paypal donation button in your blog...

1.First,Log in to your Paypal account.
First,Log in to your Paypal accoun
2.Click on the 'Merchant Services' tab (see at the top of the page).

Click on the 'Merchant Services' tab (see at the top of the page)
3.Scroll down the window and you will see an option "Donations" in the right sidebar.Click on it!
Scroll down the window and you will see an option

4.Now,you will see some options like Donation name/service ,donation id,etc etc...
The first field (Donation name/service) is the only thing that is required and all the remaining fields are optional.
Enter that first field,choose a button style,scroll down the window and click on "Create a button Now"
click on

5.Now,you will see some html code... Copy it and sign in to your blogger dashboard »» Click on the layout »» Add a Page element »» html/javascript »» and paste that html code and SAVE THE CHANGES.

Here is how the button will look in your sidebar

Friday, 22 July 2011

Successful Blogging Tips & Tricks For Beginners

A new category for Blogged Out – Blogging Tips.  I’ve been writing some more elaborate articles recently (such as Business Blogging 101 and Traffic Conversion Secrets) and I thought I might be useful for some more basic tips & tricks for beginners.
So, let’s assume you’re new to blogging, but already have your blog setup (that’s a whole different selection of articles) – what next?  Here are some quick pointers to keep you going in the right direction.
  • Aim to write a new article once a day.I know that sounds like a lot, but if you can maintain that level of content production, then you’re more likely to see success.  You will never retire on the revenues from a blog you write for once a month.
  • If you’re stuck for topics, then commenting on news stories can be a quick and easy way to come up with inspiration.
  • Always link back to your old articles (see what I’ve done here?).  Couple of reasons for this; 1) It helps with SEO and 2) If spammers copy your article you get some nice links back to your articles.  The links won’t be worth much but better having them than not.
  • Linking out to other blogs can be a great way to promote your own blog. In fact this is one of the best tips I can recommend for beginners.  Other bloggers will come to your site and see why you’re linking to them – they may even link back!
  • If you are using WordPress, then make use of related / popular posts plugins.  These are great for SEO and good for keeping your visitors reading other articles on your site.
  • Don’t get too ambitious with your articles. Short, snappy articles are just as valuable as huge, comprehensive ones.
  • Using Google Analytics to track your progress is a great way of checking which of your articles are successful and which aren’t.  This helps you learn and improve your blogging skills!
  • Formatting is everything.  Short statements, use of bold, italics and bulleted lists help people read your content easily.