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Sunday, 26 June 2011

Getting Adsense approved in 1-2 Days


I was fed up with adsense got it approved after a failure of 10 to 15 times through flixya
This method does actually works and i am posting this tutorial for you guys...


- Go open a fresh Gmail ID

- Go to and register with the same Email ID

Then comes the Time for some work there (read carefully)

- After confirming the mail that comes to your id login to your flixya account  

- Then fill up your profile with your original information (NO FAKE)

- Then go to 

- upload there atleast 10 photos, 10 videos , write 2 to 3 high quality blogs

Note - 
After uploading 10 contents you will be send to the monetize tab DONT APPLY NOW.  
Also after uploading 10 photos go to the publish page and upload more contents .
You must have 10 photos , 10 videos , 2 blogs or your adsense will not be approved.

- After uploading the all mentioned  above move to the monetize tab and click on create a google adsense publisher account and  put your new gmail id there

- Then  you will get a email in your new email id ...

- Go and  sign up adsense through the link given

Now go and take rest and open your mail after 48 hours 

Done ! !

How does Google detect fraud / invalid clicks

Now a days, getting an Adsense account for your website is very difficult, as Google has gone too strict in approving Adsense applications due to increased fraud activities.

Why do people involve in fraud activities?
Many reasons can be listed out for this, but the common reasons that tempt people to involve in fraud activities are
  • Lack Of Patience
  • Curiousity About Making Money With Adsense
What are considered as fraud activities?
Anything against Google TOS(Terms Of Service) will be considered as a fraud activity. Some most common fraud activities are,
  • Clicking advertisements on your website from same or different computer
  • Encouraging friends or visitors to click advertisement on your website
  • Programming a BOT
  • Hiding Advertisements behind images
Anyway, Google is too smart. If you involve yourself in any kind of fraud activities Google will find you, and your Adsense account will be banned. Do you like to put your hard earned Adsense account in a risk of getting banned? No, nobody likes to, but still due to curiosity of earning money people risk their Adsense account by involving in fraud activities.

Remember! Once you are banned from Adsense you can’t get an Adsense account for your website again. Fine, Now let’s get into the topic “How Google Detect Fraud Clicks?
1. IP Address
Tracing your IP address through a website is very easy(even wordpress does), and Google can do it perfectly that they can even find your address exactly. When several clicks originate from same IP address Google will consider it as a fraud and also if clicks originate from an IP that has accessed your Adsense account before, then Google will decide that you clicked advertisements on your own website. Which is against TOS.

2. Click Through Rate (CTR)
Normally, Click through Rate should not excess 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account. For your information, normal CTR should ranges from 0.5% – 10%.

3. Cookies
If you look at your browser cookies you can find that there are cookies saved by Adsense. So, even if you change your IP by reconnecting to internet, Google will trace you with cookies that it has already saved on your web browser.

4. Location
Google has a powerful tracing system, that they can even trace the origin down to small towns. So, clicking advertisements from different internet cafe or from computer with different IP address does not work.

5. Hit & Run
When you encourage your friends to click on advertisement, they usually click on advertisements and just close the window before the advertiser’s web site loads, because they didn’t click the advertisements with interest a visit the advertiser’s website. If this pattern of clicks are more then, your account will be flagged.

6. Other Google Services
Don’t think you can be safe if you click on advertisements without logging into your Adsense account, there are so many other services that Google provides to the you(like Gmail, Adwords etc). They might trace your IP or Location through other Google services too.
Are you involved in any of these fraud activities? Then stop them immediately, prevent your Adsense account from getting banned!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Check out the Reasons for High Bounce Rate

Reasons for very high bounce rate

 Bounce rate
It has always been the First Impression that matters probably everywhere including for your website or blog as well. That’s what leads to higher or lower bounce rate. For all of you, who don’t really understand or bit confused about the term bounce rate, let me explain. The metric bounce rate is used to measure the number of people who visited a particular site and left the site from the first page itself (mostly home page). So, higher bounce rate means, more number of people leaving the site from the first page itself and lesser bounce rate means, very few people leaving the site from the first page with much larger number of them actually going deeper into the other pages of the sites. However, only exception to this rule may be the sites and blogs that just have one page only. Such sites obviously have the higher bounce rate and in fact, this metric of bounce rate may not hold that much importance. But then, there are other metrics which can help measure the quality of such one page blogs and sites.
In the SEO term, the sites with higher bounce rate are generally not seen as good sites and are not favored by the search engines leading to lower rankings,low traffic and adverse affects to their paid campaigns. On the contrary, sites with lower bounce rates gets all the benefits of SEO – ranking, traffic etc. When such a small metric hold such a large importance for a site, then obviously it makes sense to get deeper into it to understand what exactly causes the higher bounce rate. Here, I really won’t talk about the ways to reduce the bounce rate because once we understand the underlying causes for this, then solutions is implicit in the causes itself.
Content Relevancy
This acts as one of the important cause for the higher bounce rate. When people visiting a site don’t find the content relevant, then exiting the site would be their default choice leading to higher bounce rates. However, this factor can be seen from two perspectives. One, when the content of the site (as may visible to user from the first page) is not at all relevant to the title and blog/site niche. Second, when the content can be relevant to its title and topic. However, the person coming to site thru a particular keyword which may not be relevant for him. So that means, that keyword choice in this case may be irrelevant to the website content.
External Links
External links are the links leading to the external sites (outside your domain). These could be because of affiliates links or reference sites. Having too many external links (on the first page) may also increase the bounce rate drastically . This is because user of the site tend to click on the link which will take him to the external site and hence he would have left the parent site automatically.
Slow Performance
Slow performance or higher page load time can also be the main contributing factor to the higher bounce rate. For example, user visit a site and the site’s first page takes forever to load, so out of sheer frustration he /she would leave the site thinking it as a waste of time.
Content Quality
If all the above mentioned factors are OK then content quality could be the culprit contributing to the higher bounce rate. Content quality would mean either too much of duplicate content or content with much less readability due to too many grammatical errors,spelling mistakes etc or even may be the general writing style which is not easy to understand and quite confusing. In such cases, visitor may lose interest in the content and may not like to read further and go any deeper into the site to explore.
Not Enough Content
In case, user doesn’t find enough  information on his problem statement or the content on the subject is too low on your website, visitor would tend to leave the site and look elsewhere.
Lack of Easy Navigation
If the site has poor design and not very easy to navigate, then also visitor may leave it without trying to find the related links to go deeper into the site as he /she would confuse with the presentation of the information.
Above are the six main factors which you will find in majority of the cases wherein sites has higher bounce rate. Based on the above explanation, you can form the strategy as to how to improve it depending upon which factor is contributing the most in your case

A point of caution though, don’t go for any shortcut tricks to improve the bounce rate other than properly SEO-ing your site and taking care of the above mentioned factors. 

There are many shortcut tricks available to improve your bounce rate almost immediately and drastically but that change would be temporarily and will lead to lots of adverse affects for your site and blog in the longer run. Objective of any site or blog, is not to have a lower bounce rate only but site is created aimed to sell something, provide information. So using such shortcut may improve your bounce rate but may not really have any positive changes to the product /service being sold or draw a good amount of visitor or even repeat visitors.

5 Tricks to Tweak Google Search

We all have been using Google for many years to search any or everything on the web. Probably is the home page for many of us from where we start our day. However, not many people know that Google is not just a simple search engine but an intelligent search engine i.e. you can do a lot more than a normal plain simple search. I am going to explain below some of such tricks which if you use with Google search commands, then Google search engine becomes a full fledged application.
Google as a Definition Dictionary
Turn your Google search engine into definition dictionary and use it to define just any word. Command to find the definition of any word is define: followed by the word to be defined
Google for File Type Search
When we search for any phrase on Google, then it returns all types of results. But if you really need to filter search such that you want to see only the results which appear in a particular file type e.g. word doc, pdf, ppt etc, then you can do so with command filetype. For example, if you need to find all the word documents containing phrase “marketing tips”, then it will be as in the following image;
Similarly, you can replace the filetype with pdf, ppt, xls etc in the above example, depending upon which type of files you are looking for.
Search within a particular website
By default Google search gives results from all the existing domains or website for the searched phrase or string. But if you need to make your search specific to a particular website, then that can be done with site: operator as follows;
The above example, will search for the phrase 3 Idiots within the site
Search within URLs
If you want to search for a phrase that appear within URL only, then it can be done by using “_” , “.” , “-” operators within search string as below;
Above search will try to find all the URLs that contain the string “blogging tips”.
Search Related Websites
Many times it do happen that you land up at a particular website and then want to find more similar to that site. One very common example, is to find the websites of your competitors.
In the above example, it will search for all the websites that are related to Since, its a travel related website, you will find all other travel related websites in the search results.
Hope, you have liked the above Google search tricks. Do share your  feedback. I will be sharing more Google search tips and tricks in the time to come.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Increase Search Engine Ranking with Google +1 button

After the launch of Twitter’s follow button, it was now turn of Google to formally announce the launch of its much awaited Google +1 button. Google’s +1 button will work similar to Facebook’s Like button. One can recommend content, a website or a specific post using Google’s +1 button. So when your connections search, they will be able to see the +1 button directly in their search results which will help them find recommendations about your site. It will be interesting to see how much successful it would be when Facebook’s like button has been there already for so long and people have become much used to using facebook’s like buttons. However. after having seen failure with Orkut and Buzz already, Google is trying to play safe this time and will be using the +1 recommendations quite prominently in deciding about the website rankings in search results. Since, Google so far being the largest search engine in the world, that strategy might help Google in making +1 button popular and much sought after.


Google +1 button is different from Buzz in the sense that Buzz was designed to promote just the conversation whereas Google +1 button is to promote the content in search. Google has plans to link the button’s outcome with the analytics and webmaster front end interfaces so that one can make effective use of this additional metric in making informed decisions.

Download Google +1 button

You can generate and download the code for Google’s +1 button from here and can use it to display anywhere on your site or within posts as well. You have the option of size from 15 pixels to 60 pixels tall and also decide about displaying the counter or not with the button. Counter will be the indicator of total +1s you have received till date.
Google +1 button has already been put in use by Google’s partners- YouTube, Android Market, Blogger and Product Search. Although using this additional button will ask for some extra resources and bandwidth on your site, still I would recommend this to everyone keeping in mind about Google’s plan of using the +1s in deciding about the ranking of a site.

How to Increase Adsense Earning The Easy Google Way

Google adsense is one of the most common and very extensively used revenue stream for most of the bloggers who strive to increase adsense earning through various ways. However, one must ensure to follow all the steps in agreement with Google adsense guidelines. Now, you can also let Google provides you a very personalize suggestion and tips to increase adsense earning. These suggestions and tips would be based totally on niche, traffic, visitors and other such parameters relevant and specific to your blog only. Already many bloggers have benefited by subscribing to this service and have reportedly increased adsense earning ranging from 51% to 200% and even higher. You can check out two such real life examples who have been able to receive significant positive result in their adsense earning, here. You can also subscribe to these personalize suggestions and tips to increase adsense earning. Just follow the below steps;

Steps to increase adsense earning

  • Logon to Adsense account.
  • Click –> Account Settings –> Edit Personal Settings
  • Tick the check box titled – “Customized help and performance suggestions” and Save.

Verify your Paypal account Instantly

This guide works best with PayPal US accounts. It WILL work for people that are not in the US, but US accounts have a higher success rate. 

- Computer
- Internet
- An Unverified PayPal 


1) Go to

2) Click on OPEN AN ACCOUNT. 

3) Click APPLY NOW on E*TRADE Complete Investment Account. 

4) Now you will need to fill in info. DO NOT put in your real info. Use Fake Name Generator:
(IMPORTANT: Get an identity from the US)! Also use an email that you can access. For the Account Type, pick Individual account.

5) For Step 1: Choose Account Type, pick Cash Account Only. 

6) Put in the fake address and phone number that you got from Fake Name Generator, and make sure that both of the boxes unchecked! 

7) Now you will need a Social Security number. As usual, DO NOT put in your real info. Use Fake Name Generator. Make sure it is in the state of where your fake address is. Also make sure you put your Country of Legal Residence as United States and click US citizen. 

8 ) For your Employment Status just make up jobs. Make sure it is in the same city, state, zip, and country. DO NOT make the address of your Employer the same as where your home address is. Pick No for all the options. 

9) For Additional Account Preferences, put in what I say. Put in Income for Investment Objectives:. Put in Excellent for Investment Experience:. Pick the first option for all the drop-down boxes and pick No for the selection. 

10) Now for Sweep accounts, pick the first one and pick No for the rest. 

11) Make sure that all the boxes are unchecked on Select Documents for Electronic Delivery. 

12) Click I Accept and DO NOT check the box. 

13) Now pick No. I want to create a new user ID and password for this account.. 

14) Make an account that you can remember. 

15) Now login to your account. Your account number should be in the middle of the page. 

16) Now go to the Add a Bank account page in PayPal. 

17) For routing number, put in: 056073573. 

18 ) For account number, put in: your account number. 

19) Now go to the next page and enter your login info. 

20) Pick the Instant option on the page and wait a few mins. 

21) Congratulations! Your PayPal is verified!

Get 1500 Visitors a day [Black Hat Secret ]

I'm going to share the ultimate Secret of Blackhat method to improve traffic of a site atleast 1500 visitors a day

Download this guide, and read it. Its mandatory to read this guide, then only you can go above with the trick

And follow the Steps here
Step 1: 

Download Strawberry Perl
Download Active perl

Installing a ... Active Perl is recommended
Step 2: 

Mechanization download and install it (Google for newer versions)
Step 3: 

Go to Start->; Run-> CMD, and the entrance to the next without the quotes:

"App CPAN:: cpanminus"

Wait for the installation, then type (without the quotes)

"Cpanm WWW:: Machining"

Wait until you install
Step 4: 

Create a text file called "" then download and copy the following code is attached in this way, then save it in the C: / drive [Do not forget to change X2 and YOURACCOUNTPASSWORD MYACCOUNTNAME. ]
Download the code
{The password will be sent to ur email, leave your email id in the comments section followed by the message} Because it's a secret

Step 5: 

Sign Netlog, and get your session ID [Firefox> Tools> Options> Privacy> Using customized to History> Show Cookies> Netlog> PHPSESSID] should be that 57f39229f26b3db061fac1783792z4b6 e.g

Step 6: 
Type CMD:

C: \ 57f39229f26b3db061fac1783792z4b6

[Of course, replace your session] and then press Enter. And the fact * Tip: C & P Bar Right click CMD, Edit> Paste *
They are now 60 profiles auto / 5 minutes [Speed ​​Netlog limit] Keep the secret! !
Enjoy... Starting Earning More

Sunday, 19 June 2011

How to Make 30$ within in a hour

I am gonna give you a step by step guide to making your first $30 at Inbox Dollars ($30 is the minimum payout level). At the end I’ll share a secret that will let you add another $45.75 to that amount.

For anyone who hasn’t heard of Inbox Dollars, it’s a website that pays you to read emails, take surveys, shop online, play games, and try out various products and services.. Many people think it’s some sort of scam, but it’s simple advertising. Companies pay you to try out their products for free, hoping that you’ll like them well enough to keep using them even when you have to pay for them.

Here’s what we’ll cover in our $30 quest:
Step Time Reward
Join Inbox Dollars 5 minutes $5.00
Intro Survey 2 minutes $1.00
Ebay Offer 5 minutes $6.00 15 minutes $10.00
OboPay 5 minutes $4.00
Direct Scholar 2 minutes $2.00
Survey Panels 15 minutes $3.25

Join Inbox Dollars
If you’re not already a member, you can click here to join. You’ll need to give them an email address. The number of emails you get from Inbox Dollars is low, so it’s safe to give your primary email. If you’re not comfortable doing that, get a free Gmail account and use that. We’ll be getting another Gmail account later, so get two while you’re at it.


You get $5 just for joining.

You’re now at $34.00. Click the Request Payment link on the left side of the Inbox Dollars control center to request your payment. They take $3 out for processing, so you’ll get $31 from them (if you’re upset about getting more than $30, leave out the two 50 cent survey panels). They do have some fine print on their check disbursement…they take a month or two to cut a check, and you have to be an active member by the time they do. This basically means confirming the paid emails they send.

You’ve also completed a number of different sorts of offers at Inbox Dollars and gotten a feel for how they work. There’s a lot more money to be had there, especially in the trial offers. The key point with trial offers is to remember to cancel before they start charging you. To be safe, wait until the last few days of the trial period, but don’t wait too long.

Top 10 Ways to Increase Traffic to a New Blog

We all know traffic is the lifeblood to any website/blog. Everyone needs traffic. Everyone needs loyal subscribers and with 10 blogs springing up every minute, it is pretty hard to cut the competition and stand in front of the crowd. However, if you are consistent and resolute in building your blog/website and taking it to the next level, you will see through it. First 2 years are really hard. You will not get enough traffic to earn even few dollars a day. My personal recommendation is to keep going no matter what. One day your hardships will end and you will start getting the fruit of your labors.
        I am going to talk about blogs here because blogs are rich in content and have key elements that attract search engines and human visitors alike. Most of the techniques discussed here are to increase traffic on a blog. The key is to keep hunting for new strategies and online venues that can help bring traffic to your blog. There are literally thousand ways to increase traffic to a new blog. I am listing the top 10 ways that I used to increase traffic on this blog. I am getting around 800 unique visitors a day and this blog is just a month old. I have experimented with a lot of tactics and found a few that are incredible sources of traffic. I am going to share those with you in a moment.
         First you need to consider the most important aspect of increasing traffic on a blog – Original and quality content! You might have heard this a million times, but it worth mentioning again. With quality content (minus autoblog shit), you will find loyal followers – followers who will share your blog to death.

Great Ways to Increase Traffic to a new Blog

      Follow these points by the letter and I am 100% confident that your new blog will start getting some quality targeted traffic within a month:

10 – Install the “necessary” plugins for SEO
        There are two ways to get traffic to a new blog – Long term SEO strategy and Short term get ‘em now strategy. To start with, you need to setup your blog for long term SEO rankings. I recommend using:
  1. SEO-pressor to optimize blog posts
  2. Links energizer for energizing backlinks
  3. All-in-one-SEO
  4. Head space 2
  5. SEO friendly images plugin
  6. Network Publisher
Important Note
“I can give you the paid plugins like links energizer and network publisher. To get these plugins, press Facebook Like button to share this blog with your friends and tweet any two posts. Email me using the contact form and I will send you these plugins.”

9 – Share blog posts on facebook and Twitter automatically using Networkedblogs

     There is still no WordPress plugin that can automatically post every blog post you write on Facebook. can do that for you. It is also a blog directory that provides your blog a decent exposure there. It also posts your blog posts on twitter using RSS feeds. This decent service will enable you to get constant Facebook and Twitter traffic.

8 – Submit your blog to blog directories

      If you want instant exposure and quality backlinks, blog directories are the easiest way to get started. Blog directories list your blog on their sites and give you serious backlinks and traffic. If you have exciting content, visitors will share your blog automatically giving you more traffic. You should list your blog on all top 11 directories:
A few of these blog directories needs payment to include your blog in their directories. Almost every one of them charges around $10 to $20 for a featured link. Since you are doing business online, I personally recommend that you spend around $100 on these directories because the backlinks that you will get and the traffic that will come knocking on your site will be worth way more than $100.

7 – Run Contests on Facebook

         Contests are traffic magnets. If prizes offered looks tempting, people are going to share your site to death. Be imaginative with contests you run. The best venue is Facebook and putting contests on facebook brings loads of visitors to your site.
For a blog like this, a contest of tweeting 2 posts and a facebook like will be tempting in return for prizes like ipod, iphone etc. Take a look around your house. There might be things you don’t use but can be interesting objects for others. How about that sound system you bought last year? That can be a good prize for the winner.
Run contests every week or every month. Keep giving the prizes and you sure won’t need any other traffic pulling tactic anymore.

6 – Give some secret tips and tricks in your niche for a facebook Like

         The idea is to do something different that will catch the attention immediately. Remember, your blog is just a voice in the cacophony of voices. It’s pretty hard to hear it when you are saying the same thing over and over. So to be different and to do something that will put your blog’s name in people’s head, you need to create a string of reports that will cause‘uproar’ in your community or niche.
Write revealing articles on the tips and tricks in your niche. If you are dealing in health niche, create a report negating all those balance diet report and create a one of your own or do something different that will attack the norm.
Create a page on your blog and put an excerpt of the articles that are going to challenge the norm. Ask people on facebook and twitter to give you a facebook like and a tweet in order to get these reports. A quality backlink is also a good idea.

5 – Join related Facebook groups
       Facebook groups are all the rage these days. People are joining the groups in thousands. Instead of creating your own group and spend time marketing it, join a few groups related to the niche you are dealing in. Share every blog post there and all the reports and secret articles that you have.
I can safely promise you that people are going to flock your site in hours. The secret ingredient is unique and exciting content no matter what topic you are dealing with. Create catchy headlines and share them in the groups.
Always join groups that have more members (duh), or you can join every facebook group in your niche and start putting blog posts there.

4 – Spin your blog posts and put them on all major article directories

       This one is the best and got great results in terms of SEO and human traffic (alas! more search engines bots as well). Spin every blog post you write and put them on all major article directories. I recommend, and These three will put you higher on SERPS in no time. These directories also bring more visitors than any one else.
Do not use any automated article submission service because they leave footprints and Google doesn’t like automated services that affect SERPs. It might be a bit more work, but you can always hire an assistant to do these tasks.

3 – Create videos of your blog posts and submit it to all major video sharing sites

        This idea has been around for a while. And it is one of the most successful ideas; however, you won’t get many views just by uploading your video on all major video sharing sites. I suggest you sign up for which helps you upload your videos on youtube, facebook, and others.
You can upload your video on youtube and share it on facebook. This is all you can do, right? Wrong! The best way to get more views is to stumble upon it and share it with other stumblers. You can also share the video on and
However, to truly make your video viral, you need to create it in a different way. Create a story around your product and make sure it doesn’t sound like a bona fide ad! Do something really crazy that will urge people to share it with their friends. That’s how a video gets viral!

2 – Create a network of blogs in your niche and share posts with each other

       Creating a network of like-minded friends with online ambitions is one of the most important tasks if you want your blog to reach where mashable is now. Apart from quality content and breaking news, you need a network of friends with blog in similar niche. You can put their blog posts in “related posts” category and get yours to be listed there. Not only will you get back link juice, you will get tons of visitors. This way the network of blogs can share traffic with each other.
You’d need like 10 friends with blogs in a similar niche. For example, if you have a make money online blog, you can friend a person who has an online marketing blog. Share your post with your network and put their posts on your blog linking back to them.

1 – Share a very exclusive report on topic related to your niche on forums/facebook

         This is the number #1 source of getting insane traffic almost instantly. Write an exclusive report on a topic that would redefine the notion. For example, if you niche relates to social media marketing, you can create a report on how to bring targeted traffic using tools on social network.
Share the report in related forums and offer it for $20 on your blog. Now when people know that you are sharing this report free on forums and putting it on torrents sites and others, they would rush to get a free copy. You can ask people to give you a facebook like or a backlink or a PR 2 to PR7 site in return for getting this $20 report free. This way, you will get instant traffic and this would generate buzz in no time.
Remember, all this information is exclusive; it is nothing if you don’t act now. Stop reading and start doing these step by step. It might take time, but it will benefit you immensely. You don’t have to do all the steps this weekend. Do it one by one. To increase traffic on your blog, sharing is the ultimate tactics.

How to Make Money From Blog / Website

Most of people are trying to earn money from blogs.They always ask what is the best way to earn money from the we can try the best and easiest way to earn money.This article says  how to earn money from you r blog.i wrote it from simple way.

 1. Advertising Programs

Most popular way to make money is adding ads to your blog.there have more advertising programs.most popular is adsense .you can see adsense ads from many sites.its call Google ads.This is  based on ads.its easy. you don't have to do  more thing. just want to put and on our site.and have to increase your traffic.easy way to earn more money.
         ii Adbrite
        iii Chitika
        iv Bidvertiser

2. Affiliate Programs

This program is working like many can provide banner and put your site,so visitors can visit can earn when they are sign up for website.the best thing is these program that they are such quality that they sell themselves and I am being emailed from readers who sign up to them thanking me for the recommendation!
             i Click Bank
            ii Commission Junction
           iii Linkshare

3.Sell product on your blog.

You can sell product if you have more traffic, you can sell related product like e-books, software, down-loadable product and can sell your own product for visitors.

4.Sell advertising space On your blog.

This is 100% guaranteed way to earn money. Its a easy. But you must have good traffic. you can make banner and mention the price. you can sell it for just 1 month.If you put more banner can earn more.

5. Put Paypal donation button

You can add paypal donation button to your blogger. Donation is basically depends on your traffic, I mean visitors. If it is more useful to them, they will donate you not a huge money but a few dollars would be added to ur facebook account.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Double Up Your Blog Traffic In One Month

I have a blog. And I have some good unique quality content. However, still I’m not getting much traffic to my blog? Why is that? Many successful bloggers say that “content is king”. Are they wrong?

Above are all the questions, which rise in the mind of a blogger who can’t get enough traffic in spite of good content on his blog. Here in this post, I’ll discuss some important things that can directly affect your blog traffic in a positive manner.

 I must say that all successful bloggers out there cannot  be wrong at all. “Content is king” really. But the sad truth is that only good content can not pull traffic to your blog. Until you tell others about the content you’ve just posted at your blog. Here are some simple ways to do so:

 Yahoo answers

Yahoo answers are the good way to get some quality traffic. Search un-answered questions related to your blog topic. And answer each with a link to your blog. This will hopefully increase your blog’s unique visitors.

Guest posts:

Search for some popular blogs related to your niche. Once you find some, tell their owners that you want to write a guest post for their blog. If they allow, write a well-written post with a link to your blog.


Every time that you write a new blog post, use Ping-O-Matic to submit your fresh content to a large list of search engines. This system makes it so easy to let all the search engines know that you have new content on your blog.

Reply to Every Comment:

If someone takes the time to leave a comment or response on your blog, and you don’t take the time to respond back, chances are that  person will not be coming back to your blog. So remember to reply to every comment on our blog and encourage your readers to leave comments.
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